Our regular briefings are designed to keep you up to speed with the latest changes and proposed changes to legislation in the pensions world.
CloseMortality briefing, April 2024The Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) has released the latest version of its mortality improvement model, CMI_2023. The default model results in slightly lower life expectancies when compared to the previous version, CMI_2022.
Read moreMortality briefing, February 2024The Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) has released a new set of mortality tables, the S4 tables. For the first time, the CMI includes postcode data in new S4 tables. The tables also point to a slight reduction in life expectancy, although the impact on individual schemes will differ.
Read more2023
OpenMortality briefing, June 2023In this briefing, we discuss the latest version of the Continuous Mortality Improvement’s (CMI) mortality improvements projection model. How will it impact your pension scheme?
Read more2022
OpenMortality briefing, November 2022In this briefing we look at the latest trends in mortality, discussing key issues for trustees and employers, and how First Actuarial can help.
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