Scheme Actuary services

The Scheme Actuary gives vital support to trustees of Defined Benefit schemes

The Scheme Actuary helps make sure that Defined Benefit schemes are appropriately funded.

Being the trustee of a Defined Benefit scheme means facing complex issues and personal liability. It can be hard to keep on top of the risks and rapid changes involved. And the level of specialist knowledge they’re expected to demonstrate can be overwhelming.

We believe trustees need all the help and protection they can get.

How can First Actuarial help trustees of Defined Benefit schemes?

Our Scheme Actuaries put themselves in the shoes of the trustees they work with. The practical advice they offer strikes a balance between minimising the risks that trustees take and finding pragmatic solutions to the problems they face:

  • We provide high quality Scheme Actuary services to trustees at a reasonable price.
  • We use our experience to offer pragmatic solutions, while minimising trustee risks.
  • Our Scheme Actuaries know how to simplify complex detail to the right level so trustees can make informed decisions.
  • We produce our calculations quickly and accurately, and make sure you get the right information at the right time.

Why choose First Actuarial?

We are highly skilled at explaining our calculations and the options available in the most effective ways.

We have developed innovative software tools to support our Scheme Actuary work:

  • Valuation Viewer helps trustees of Defined Benefit schemes understand the potential impact of each assumption on actuarial calculations. That way they can focus on the assumptions that matter, and make informed decisions.
  • firstview keeps trustees up to date with changes to the funding of their scheme, so there are no unwelcome surprises at valuation time.

Our Scheme Actuaries are not afraid to challenge conventional approaches, where they think it right and judge it to be in the client’s best interest. They take full account of legislation, and their in-depth industry knowledge means that they understand The Pensions Regulator’s requirements.

Get in touch

Get in touch with one of our Scheme Actuaries to discuss how we can help you.

Our actuary continues to provide good detailed advice which in the main can be easily understood. Where matters are more technical, there is never a problem in providing further explanation.

– Ian Penfold, PremierFirst

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