Scheme design and benchmarking

We’ll design a Defined Contribution scheme to meet your needs, by listening to what you want to achieve

The design of any pension scheme is crucial to its success.

Organisations vary hugely in their reasons for offering pension schemes. For some, it’s just about complying with legislation. Others are keen to match the benefits their competitors are offering. And many simply want to provide a high quality package of benefits to their employees.

Our approach to design is bespoke to you and your employees – we will work with you to design a Defined Contribution scheme that meets your needs and is appropriate for your employees.

How can First Actuarial help you get the right Defined Contribution scheme for your needs and budget?

To design the best Defined Contribution scheme, we’ll help you understand the costs and advantages of different benefit structures, and whether it makes sense to tailor the benefits you offer to different groups of people.

But there’s more to designing a Defined Contribution scheme than benefit structures.

Weighing up your Defined Contribution scheme design options

It’s also useful to take a step back and think about whether to offer an occupational or a contract-based scheme. The right choice for you will depend on how tax relief is given and death benefits are treated, and what this means for your members.

To help benchmark your benefit package against what your competitors or similar organisations offer, we can provide meaningful statistics based on research and survey data.

Get in touch

Planning to review your workplace pension arrangements? Get in touch with us today

Our main consultant has a good style and is able to help people think through options in easy-to-understand terms, and plan for the future accordingly.

– Joan Goulden, Alliance One International Services Ltd

Find out more about our Defined Contribution services

Download our Defined Contribution brochure.

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