Services for trade unions

Dignity in old age matters as much as terms of employment

In recent years, trade union members across the economy have faced an onslaught of pension uncertainties. Changes to pension schemes and to the State Pension Age, for example, can be deeply worrying, and many people turn to their trade union for support.

Trade unions have always fought hard to provide and maintain decent pension provision. They support their members by providing information, helping them resolve individual pension issues, and representing them when changes are proposed and implemented.

Keen to defend their members’ interests, many trade unionists nevertheless struggle with the complexities of the pension world.

How can First Actuarial help?

  • We draw on our extensive experience of public and private sector pension schemes to support trade unions in their lobbying of government.
  • We work with trade unions to resolve problems within specific schemes, helping to negotiate where necessary.
  • We help trade unions to communicate pension issues and explain any changes or choices members have to make. What we provide will vary depending on the specific situation, but can include:
    • Group presentations to members on pension changes
    • One-to-one guidance sessions to members faced with a choice
    • Pension helplines for member enquiries
    • Information websites and booklets
    • Online modellers and ready-reckoner tools.
  • We provide actuarial, administration and investment consultancy services to help unions achieve sensible funding approaches for their own staff pension schemes without undermining their ability to serve the membership.
  • We use our specialist expertise to help trade unions negotiate with trustees and The Pensions Regulator.

Why choose First Actuarial?

First Actuarial is unrivalled in providing specialist pensions advice within the trade union movement. Our team offers several decades of combined experience in this area.

We have longstanding relationships with many trade unions – including Unite, CWU, UCU and FBU – where we have provided negotiation and consultation support.

Our public service pension scheme expertise includes the NHS Pension Scheme, the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme, the Local Government Pension Scheme and the Civil Service Pension Scheme.

We are great communicators, and we strip away unnecessary jargon to clear the way through pension complexity. We care deeply about people and we work with trade unions to help them look after their members.

When we attend meetings or calls, we will give you our view rather than sitting on the fence. And we always work hard to find a pragmatic, workable solution to problems.

We provide Scheme Actuary, investment and pension scheme administration services to the trustees of a number of trade union staff pension schemes.

Get in touch

Contact us to find out how we help trade unions with pensions

Trade union pension briefings

Our briefings give trustees and negotiators regular updates on issues of importance to trade unions.

Having changed trustee services provider in 2020, the Trustees have noted a significant improvement in the quality of administration, member engagement, straightforward and easy-to-understand investment and actuarial advice, and trustee training.

– Nick Walker, Usdaw

First Actuarial case studies

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