Salary exchange

Salary exchange offers National Insurance savings to employers and employees on their DC pension contributions

Retirement can seem like a distant prospect, and it’s hard to communicate pension benefits when many employees, especially younger ones, see it as an unwanted expense.

Salary exchange, or salary sacrifice, is an arrangement that is growing in popularity with Defined Contribution schemes.

Salary exchange makes pension contributions more efficient and attractive. It offers National Insurance contribution savings to employees and employers alike, and can also give higher-rate taxpayers full tax relief without the need to claim it through their tax return.

Salary exchange can either reduce your costs, increase member benefits at no additional expense to the company, or a bit of both. And the costs of setting it up are usually paid back within a few years.

How can First Actuarial help you set up salary exchange?

We can advise you how to set up a salary exchange arrangement for your Defined Contribution scheme. We have a streamlined process for setting up a salary exchange programme that is quick and cost-efficient.

We start by running a workshop with key staff from HR, pensions, payroll and legal functions. We explain how salary exchange works, set out the cost savings available and agree the design of the arrangement. We listen to your needs and help you strike the right balance between cost savings and improved membership benefits.

What a well managed salary exchange project looks like

We create a suite of communications for Defined Contribution scheme members to launch the salary exchange arrangement. We also issue any necessary announcements to vary contracts of employment. We share all this documentation, along with procedure manuals, with HMRC to safeguard compliance.

We will support you throughout your salary exchange project, and help you implement the necessary changes to your HR and payroll systems and processes.

Get in touch

Need help with salary exchange? Get in touch with us today.

Our main consultant has a good style and is able to help people think through options in easy-to-understand terms, and plan for the future accordingly.

– Joan Goulden, Alliance One International Services Ltd

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